How much does snake hates you?
Snakes are pretty simple creatures. Theirs is a world of food, warmth, comfort, and secure hiding spots. Snakes live simple lives. Their behavior is simple, too. They eat edible things, climb climbable things, slither under things they can get under, and sun themselves for warmth. If threatened, they defend themselves; if given the opportunity, they mate. They don’t randomly attack people they’ve learned are safe. If you were to accidentally hurt or startle a snake, it might try to “defend” itself against you. The more easygoing snakes won’t do even that much; they’ll just try to get away. But that can be prevented, too, if you’re always gentle and careful with your snake. An experienced handler is unlikely to be badly hurt by a snake which has life-long experience with humans. Such a snake will be familiar with being fed and handled, and will not feel like it needs to defend itself against a human. It knows the human is a source of food, and knows the human will be gentle.
On occasion, pet snakes do bite accidentally. And I mean “accidental” here in the sense that the bite isn’t aggressive; the snake isn’t setting out to do harm to a human. They’re generally a misunderstanding.
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