I am very sure by now you should know I don’t have any any experience of the world wars, but one name stood out sharp in one of these wars, and it is of a man called Adolf Hitler. Well, just like you, I do not know who the f**k he is, but history says he was a crazy man who almost won the World War 2. Now, let’s imagine this man won… don’t panic, YET, hear me out.
To open affirmatively, jews would have been known today only in books because that’s was almost the most important force that was driving him. Hitler was a strong and hard-headed anti jews. But, was not the only people he hated; jews, other Europeans that are not German, and please don’t even let me get started on the blacks (almost every white hate the blacks in those years, so that wouldn’t have been much). Let’s say the place we know as Israel today, would have been a potato field or for training horses (lol)… and Africa? He was once quoted saying “I will make Africa a training ground because of its weather” so, yeah! Africa would have been the perfect place for raising the Hitler Dothrakis. Ew! Don’t let me think about it.